HOW TO: Coconut Oil: Not all oil is bad for you.

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The coconut palm tree is one of the most abundant crops in existence. Although we are all familiar with coconut as a food source, few of us know the many other benefits of coconut there are. In many countries, coconut shells are used in textiles, blankets and other materials. The shells themselves are used as bowls, to make utensils, and as floats for rafts. But it is the coconut itself that creates the most interest. Coconut meat as we call it, is delicious and is used all over the world in a variety of cuisines. Coconut milk is delicious to drink on its own and is a staple in curries around the world. It’s also a great rehydrater.

VOCABULARY: Coconut, Palm tree, abundant, crops, familiar, food source,shells
 textiles, blankets, bowls, utensils, floats & rafts, cuisines, staple

LISTENING SECTION: Listen to the video and answer the questions below.


        1. Is coconut oil dangerous for your health?
        2. What kind of fat is coconut oil?
        3. What is false data/information?
        4. Name one of the scientific studies he talks about?
        5. How much of coconut fat is lauric acid as a percentage (%) ?

Over the years, much has been said about the natural health benefits of coconut oil, especially regarding its nutritional and medicinal properties. Therefore, in wester countries, coconut oil is quickly becoming a popular commodity, and thousands of companies include it in their beauty products and thousands of recipes include it as an alternative to other oils.

VOCABULARY: health benefits, regarding, commodity, recipes

Even so, much controversy still surrounds the health benefits of coconut, and debate still exists as to whether it is worth talking about. That’s where my short lesson comes in. I have thoroughly researched the benefits of coconut oil and explained all the amazing benefits that can come from consuming coconut oil daily and applying it to your skin. We have left out some of the claimed benefits due to the lack of evidence to support them and hope that this lesson will help dispel the myths surrounding coconut oil, while providing the reader with information about the oil’s healing properties that coconut oil can lead to in life

VOCABULARY:  Controversy, debate, exists, whether, thoroughly, consuming
applying, skin, claimed, lack of, myths, surrounding, providing, lead to

What can coconut oil do for your hair?

Coconut oil has long been considered one of the best health products for hair in the natural world.

Many people around the world use coconut oil as their only hair conditioner because it is cheap and gives remarkable results. The benefits of coconut oil for your hair are many. Coconut oil helps to keep your hair fully hydrated, it promotes full growth and creates strong hair and keeps the scalp free from flakes. Its main benefit comes from increasing protein in your hair, which allows for full growth and strength.

VOCABULARY: LOng been, considered, conditioner, hydrated, promotes, creates, scalp
flakes, increasing, growth, strength

Although many companies use small amounts of virgin coconut oil in their high-quality products, many people are now switching to virgin coconut oil for the benefits it provides. The benefits of using coconut oil or even coconut cream on your hair can be proven by looking at the chemical properties of coconut oil. People tout coconut oil as a treatment for hair loss or at least to slow down baldness, and it’s easy to see why.

The role of lauric acid

Lauric acid is found in coconut oil. Microbial activity at the top and bottom of the follicles is one of the main causes of hair loss. Lauric acid works as an antimicrobial oil that prevents the creation of harmful microbes, thus preventing the hair from stimulating strong, new growth.

VOCABULARY: lauric acid, microbial, follicles, hair loss, antimicrobial, harmful
thus, stimulating

This means that not only is coconut oil good for your hair, but it can also prevent hair loss if used regularly.

The role of capric acid

Virgin coconut oil is rich in not only lauric acid but also capric acid. Capric acid is another antibiotic that works similar to lauric acid. It attacks germs at the source, preventing proliferation and hair loss while stimulating new hair growth.

VOCABULARY:  regularly, virgin, rich, capric acid, antibiotic, attacks, germs
 source, proliferation

The role of vitamin E

We all know that vitamin E is essential for good health. Vitamin E helps keep the skin in top condition and is one of the main ways your hair stays healthy and regenerates.

VOCABULARY: essential, regenerates

The role of fatty acids

The fatty acids in coconut oil provide a powerful anti-dandruff formula that surpasses most dandruff shampoos. Regular application softens the body and makes the skin soft, reducing the production of hair and dandruff. The benefits of virgin coconut oil for your hair are amazing. Therefore, many people replace their traditional shampoos and conditioners with pure or high-density coconut oil products. Many people have started to use coconut oil for good purposes as it acts in the same way as hair gel or gel – without creating the usual flakes and without damaging the strength of the hair. This is due to coconut oil’s ability to retain water at almost any temperature.

REFERECES:  Fatty acids, anti-dandruff, softens, reducing, amazing, high-density
 purposes, acts, ability, retain

Video One:

Video Two:

Study One:

Study Two:

Study Three:

Write a 150 word summary about the uses of coconut oil. 
GRAMMAR:  Use as many adjectives as you can to describe the product.
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