The Urban Tree: Harnessing the Power of Liquid Trees: Using Algae in Urban Areas to Combat CO2 Emissions

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The world’s urban landscapes are constantly evolving as architects and engineers search for innovative ways to create sustainable environments. One increasingly popular solution is the incorporation of  “liquid trees,”  or algae, in our cityscapes to help absorb CO2 and reduce its detrimental impact on our planet. In this lesson, we’ll explore the potential of algae, its various applications in urban areas, and the benefits it offers in combating climate change.

Now discuss the new vocabulary:

Grammar Question: 1

Identify the correct position for the adverb “originally” in this sentence: Liquid trees can be found only in a small corner of downtown.
a. Originally, liquid trees can be found…
b. Liquid trees originally can be found…
c. Liquid trees can originally be found…
d. Liquid trees can be originally found…

Section One:

Algae: Nature’s Green Secret Weapon

Algae are microscopic organisms that play a crucial role in our earthly ecosystems. Through the process of photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen and organic compounds. By doing so, these tiny powerhouses help maintain well-balanced atmospheric conditions, ultimately enabling life on Earth to thrive.

With rising concern over climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, scientific research has intensified around finding new ways to utilize algae in our bid to save the environment. It turns out that growing algae in urban areas not only absorbs excess CO2 but also provides a wide range of applications that contribute to more eco-friendly cities.

Now discuss the new vocabulary:

Grammar Question: 2

Pick the appropriate synonym for the word “urban” in the context of “urban liquid trees”:
a. Metropolitan
b. Rural
c. Underground
d. Extraterrestrial

Video Section; Watch the video and answer the five questions below:


          1. How much more efficient are these than real trees at absorbing CO2?
          2. The unit is also a “bench”.   What is a bench?
          3. What do you think about this idea?
          4. Do you think it would be better to plan urban areas better, to include lots of trees?

Now discuss the issues in the video:

Grammar Section: 

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: The exhibition showcased various projects inspired _____ urban liquid trees.
a. By
b. With
c. On
d. For

Section Two: 

Revolutionary Applications of Algae in Urban Areas

1. Biofacade: One fascinating architectural innovation is the use of algae-filled panels on building exteriors known as biofacade. These liquid tree-charged panes act like built-in micro-algae farms, harnessing sunlight to photosynthesize and reduce carbon emissions while purifying the polluted air around them.

2. Algae Biofuel: As an alternative energy source, scientists are exploring ways to turn algae into biofuels. Algal biomass has a high lipid content which can be transformed into biodiesel for vehicles. By producing cleaner forms of fuel, cities will rely less on fossil fuels, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Water Filtration: Pioneering ecological methods to filter and purify water using algae are gaining traction in urban communities. When implemented, these biological wastewater treatment systems can break down pollutants, removing harmful substances and purifying water for reuse.

4. Urban Agriculture: Algae offer a unique opportunity to transform urban rooftops, building facades, and unused spaces into thriving eco-farms that produce sustainable food options for city populations. Through vertical farming techniques, incorporating algae into urban gardens not only helps with carbon dioxide intake but contributes to a sustainable food production infrastructure.

Now discuss the new vocabulary:

Grammar Question: 4

Identify which sentence is accurate considering parallel structure:
a. The urban liquid tree art installation promotes green spaces, increases awareness about sustainability, and inspire creativity.
b. The urban liquid tree art installation promotes green spaces, increasing awareness about sustainability, and inspires creativity.
c. Promote green spaces, increase awareness about sustainability, and inspire creativity are all goals of this urban liquid tree project.
d The urban liquid tree art installation promotes green spaces, increases awareness about sustainability, and inspires creativity.

Section Four:

Benefits of Integrating Algae into Urban Environments

1. Reduced CO2 Emissions: The primary benefit of utilizing algae in urban spaces is their incredible ability to absorb and process CO2. In areas with high traffic and industrial emissions, introducing liquid trees can combat rising pollution levels through natural filtration that leads to cleaner air.

2. Enhanced Biodiversity: By incorporating algae into city architecture and infrastructure projects, we provide habitats for various species of organisms. This increased biodiversity leads to healthier ecosystems that balance local flora and fauna populations.

3. Sustainable Resource Production: Algae require minimal resources to thrive, making them an ideal option for producing biofuels and generating clean energy without depleting scarce reserves or harming the environment.

4. Aesthetic Appeal: When integrated creatively within architectural designs or landscaping projects, algae add a unique esthetics touch to cityscapes. They introduce vibrant colour schemes and organic textures that accentuate modern buildings and urban environments.

The future of liquid trees within our cities is seemingly limitless. As awareness around the importance of environmentally sustainable solutions grows, so too does the potential for harnessing this unassuming yet powerful living resource within our concrete jungles to combat climate change. By integrating algae into urban settings, we take strides toward a greener future where innovation aligns with the well-being

Now discuss the new vocabulary:

Grammar Question: 5

Choose the correct form of the verb in the given sentence: Urban liquid trees _____ a unique architectural feature in our city.
a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Were


Write a short paragraph of about 150-200 words describing the benefits of liquid algae trees in urban areas. Focus on the environmental and aesthetic advantages of using these innovative creations in cityscapes, and how they can promote a greener and more sustainable future. Be sure to use descriptive language and vivid imagery to engage your readers. This exercise not only helps you practice your English skills, but also raises awareness about sustainable urban development.

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Grammar Answers:

The correct position for the adverb “originally” in this sentence is option a: “Originally, liquid trees can be found only in a small corner of downtown.”

a. Metropolitan

a. By

d. The urban liquid tree art installation promotes green spaces, increases awareness about sustainability, and inspires creativity.

b, “are”: Urban liquid trees are a unique architectural feature in our city.



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