During February we are going to use the newspapers to improve our English. Newspapers often use complex vocabulary and unusual text to get their point across. All of the lessons in February are going to be conversation based. Based on the text we choose to read together.
Open the link below to the BBC world news website and follow Steve’s instructions.
BP (British Petroleum) Stops investing in renewable energy.
Here are 5 general questions after reading the newspaper article above. They are designed to encourage deeper thinking and discussion:
Beyond the facts presented, what underlying message or agenda do you think the author might be trying to convey? How did you come to that conclusion?
How does this article connect to other current events or broader societal trends that you’re aware of?
If you were to research this topic further, what specific questions would you want to answer, and what sources would you consult?
Do you think this article presents a balanced perspective on the issue? If not, whose voices or viewpoints might be missing, and how would that affect the overall understanding of the situation?
Imagine you were explaining this article to someone who knows nothing about the topic. How would you summarize the key points, and what aspects would you emphasize to ensure they understood the significance of the issue?