“Robinson Crusoe”   by Daniel Defoe

During 2024 we are going to do a series of English lessons related to famous authors and their books. One of the regular peices of advice I give to all of my students is that one of the best ways to advance your vocabulary and understand another culture is to read.  Reading expands your knowledge, increases your knowledge of the English language and how we use it and opens your world. When I ask my students the question: “Do you read?” invariably, they say no. Unfortunately, the internet seems to have killed books.

Grammar included:  “Using and understanding adverbs in English”     

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What is an adverb?

An adverb is a word that modifies or provides further information about a verb, adjective, or another adverb in a sentence, usually by describing the manner, place, frequency, degree, or time of the action. Adverbs often end in ‘-ly’, but not always. They play a crucial role in enhancing the overall meaning and clarity of a sentence.

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Book Study SIX:

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe



“Robinson Crusoe, written by Daniel Defoe and published in 1719, is a timeless tale that has captured the hearts of readers for centuries. The novel follows the life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a shipwrecked sailor who finds himself on an uninhabited island, where he must learn to adapt and survive against all odds. The story is a gripping narrative that delves into themes of self-reliance, exploration, and the importance of perseverance in difficult situations. It has subsequently earned its place among classic literature as one of the most compelling stories ever written.”

Now let’s recap any new vocabulary:

Synonyms:  (most compelling story):   something that once you begin you must finish.

Synonyms: (Shipwrecked) When a ship has an accident and is lost. When someone is on an island and can’t leave.


Question 1:
In the following sentence from Robinson Crusoe, identify the adverb or adverbs:
“Crusoe built a canoe swiftly and efficiently to navigate the island’s waterways.”

A) Crusoe
B) swiftly
C) efficiently
D) navigate

OPTIONAL:  Now write a sentence using the word”Shipwrecked” you must have at least one adverb in the sentence.

Video Listening Section ONE:  Watch the 5 minute video and answer the four questions below:


            1. What is a “Blockbuster?”
            2.  Where and when was Daniel Defoe born?
            3. Where was Robinson Crusoe written and published?
            4. Suggest four TV series and movies  that are based on the story.

Section Two:

In the first paragraph, we introduce Robinson Crusoe, the main character, and the overarching theme of survival: Robinson Crusoe is an adventure novel that explores themes of solitude, self-reliance, and survival. The story follows the life of its namesake character who, after being shipwrecked on a remote island near South America, must navigate various challenges posed by his new environment. Crusoe’s journey begins with resourcefulness and ingenuity as he salvages supplies from his wrecked ship and builds shelter to survive.

Now let’s recap any new vocabulary:

Synonyms:  (Overarching):    comprehensive, all-encompassing, all-inclusive

Synonyms:  (Solitude):  seclusion, isolation, loneliness

Grammar Q2:

Question 2:
Choose the adverb in this sentence inspired by Robinson Crusoe:
“Robinson Crusoe cautiously approached a group of wild goats on the island.”

A) Robinson Crusoe
B) cautiously
C) wild
D) island

OPTIONAL:  Now write a sentence using the word “solitude” you must have at least one adverb in the sentence.

Video Listening Section TWO:  Watch the 5 minute video and answer the four questions below:


            1. What does this expression mean:  “To live or die by the clock?”
            2. He washes up on a beach. What does “washes up” mean?
            3. What do we call the yellow boat that he is in and washes up on the beach with him?

Section Three:

In the second paragraph,  Crusoe’s growing abilities and his interactions with other characters: As time progresses on the island, Crusoe becomes increasingly adept at hunting and farming—skills that ultimately help him endure for more than two decades. Throughout this period of isolation, he rescues a native man named Friday from cannibals. The two form a strong bond as they teach each other about their respective cultures and work together to survive.

Now let’s recap any new vocabulary:

Synonyms: (Adept):  Skilled, proficient, accomplished

Synonyms: (Endure):  Tolerate, Suffer

Grammar Q3:

Question 3:
Find the adverb in the following sentence, set in the world of Robinson Crusoe:
“After surviving the shipwreck, he lived on the deserted island quite happily.”

A) surviving
B) deserted
C) quite
D) happily

OPTIONAL:  Now write a sentence using the phrase “as time passes”. Use at least one adverb in your sentence.

Section Four:

In the third setion, we explore moral and religious aspects of the story:   Amidst his physical struggles, Crusoe undergoes a spiritual transformation on the island. Initially motivated by fear, he prays to God for deliverance from misfortune. Over time, however, Crusoe starts to recognize divine providence in his life experiences—allowing him to accept his situation and find inner peace.

Now let’s recap any new vocabulary:

Synonyms: (Moral):  ethical, virtuous, righteous

Synonyms:  (To undergo):  Experience, Endure, Sustain


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