The Value of Speaking Received Pronunciation to improve the clarity of your English: An exercise in pronouncing regular verbs

Grammar included:  “Received Pronunciation”     

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GRAMMAR SECTION   ”Received Pronunciation”


Remember that during the lesson we are continuing our RP practice to be able to improve our pronunciation and diction.


Business Vocabulary section:

1. Acumen – the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular area of business.

EXAMPLE:  “Her financial acumen was evident in the astute investments she made, which consistently outperformed the market.”

2. Benchmarking – evaluating or checking (something) by comparison with a standard.

EXAMPLE: “The company established a benchmarking process to compare their product quality with that of industry leaders.”

3. Paradigm – a typical example or pattern of something; a model.  (for example a paradigm shift)

EXAMPLE:  “Quantum computing introduces a new paradigm that challenges traditional computational methods.”

4. Penultimate – last but one in a series of things; second to the last. (the one before the last one)

EXAMPLE:  “In the penultimate chapter of the book, the protagonist uncovers a secret that changes everything.”

5. Quintessential – representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. (a perfect example)

EXAMPLE: For many, the scent of freshly baked bread is the quintessential aroma of a welcoming home.

6. Core Competency – A defining skill or technology that differentiates an organization from its competitors.

EXAMPLE:  Understanding our team’s core competencies is essential for allocating resources effectively and propelling our projects to success.

7. Synergy – the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. (when things work together)

EXAMPLE:  The synergy between the cross-functional teams has led to a revolutionary breakthrough in our product development cycle.

7. Triage – the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties. (in a hospital)

EXAMPLE:  In the midst of chaos, the experienced nurse had to quickly triage patients to determine who needed immediate attention.

8. Ubiquitous – present, appearing, or found everywhere.  (being everywhere at the same time)

EXAMPLE:  The use of smartphones has become so ubiquitous that it’s hard to imagine life without them.

9. Unilateral – (of an action or decision) performed by or affecting only one person, group, or country involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of others.  (a unilateral agreement)

EXAMPLE:  The company’s decision to implement a unilateral policy change sparked significant debate among employees.

10. Vanguard – a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.  (at the front)

EXAMPLE:    As pioneers in ecological research, their groundbreaking discoveries positioned them at the vanguard of environmental science.


No listen to this short video of RP to help your mind to get into the right zone.

The Value of Speaking English with a Received Pronunciation Accent

RP and ‘ed’ practice text.

Remembering these rules can help with proper pronunciation of regular past tense verbs in spoken English. When in doubt about how to pronounce a particular word, it can be helpful to consult a good dictionary that includes phonetic transcriptions.

Received Pronunciation (RP), often **referred** to as the Queen’s English, carries with it a certain prestige and numerous advantages. Historically, RP was **identified** as the accent of choice among the English upper class and was **adopted** by those wishing to indicate their social standing. Nowadays, even though the UK is embracing a broader range of accents, RP still holds sway in many areas, offering several benefits to those who master it.

Firstly, RP is **considered** a clear and neutral accent. This means that for people learning English as a second language, being able to speak in RP can greatly improve their intelligibility across various English-speaking populations. Similarly, business professionals often find that an RP accent can enhance perceptions of authority and credibility. It’s also **noted** that actors with versatile accents, including RP, can access a wider range of roles. Moreover, since many English courses historically **used** RP as the teaching standard, it is a familiar sound to countless learners worldwide.

Furthermore, speaking with an RP accent may offer social mobility. Research has consistently shown that accents can influence job prospects and social perceptions; thus, adopting RP can present opportunities for speakers to advance their careers. A study from the University of Edinburgh found that people often associate RP with a higher intellectual capacity. Additionally, mastering this accent could open doors in sectors where communication plays a key role. For instance, someone working in diplomacy might find that an RP accent helps them appear more formal and **polished**, potentially gaining greater respect from international peers.

In the realm of international communication, RP is perceived as the epitome of clarity and has been traditionally **used** by broadcasters worldwide. As such, individuals who teach English or work in media may find an RP accent beneficial as it allows them to be easily understood by a global audience.

In conclusion, while accents should certainly not be a measure of an individual’s worth or ability, the undeniable reality remains: speaking English with an RP accent can open doors and offer distinct advantages in various facets of personal and professional life. From improved career prospects to broader communication skills – it’s clear why many choose to learn and adopt this particular way of speaking.


How to pronounce the ‘ed’ sounds in regular verbs.


‘ED’ practice text

In this text remember that we are practicing our RP but at the same time we are going to practice how to pronounce the ‘ed’ in regular verbs.  Here is an explanation.

In English, the pronunciation of the past tense suffix “-ed” varies and is determined by the final sound of the root verb:

1. /t/ Sound: We use this sound when the root verb ends in voiceless consonants (except for /t/), such as /p/, /k/, /s/, /ʃ/ (sh), /ʧ/ (ch), and /f/. For example:
– “walk” becomes “walked” and is pronounced as /wa:   kt/
– “laugh” becomes “laughed” and is pronounced as /laugh:  ft/

2. /d/ Sound: We use this sound with root verbs ending in voiced sounds, which include all vowel sounds and voiced consonants (except for /d/), such as /b/, /g/, /v/, /z/, etc. For example:
– “call” becomes “called” and is pronounced as /ca  lld/
– “rob” becomes “robbed” and is pronounced as /rob  bd/

3. /ɪd/ or just /d/ Sound: We use this sound distinctly when the root verb ends in either a /t/ or a /d/. This additional syllable makes it easier to pronounce. For example:
– “want” becomes “wanted” and is pronounced as /ˈwant:  id/
– “need” becomes “needed” and is pronounced as /ˈneed:  id/


Phrasal Verbs:  Phrasal verbs in a language simply have to be learned one by one. Below are a short list with their meanings.

ask around – to ask many people the same question. ( I don’t know the answer to your question but I will ask around)
act up – to behave badly or strangely My children were not well behaved today, they have been acting up all day)
add up – to make sense, seem reasonable (What he said to me today just does’t add up)
ask out – to invite someone for a date (I think that girl is so beautiful, if she is single I am going to ask her out)
account for – to explain or justify something (Can you account for your lateness this morning?)
back away – to move backwards away from something or someone, usually because you are frightened (When faced with danger it’s important to back away)
bail out – to rescue someone from a difficult situation, often with money (He got himself into financial difficulties this month so I gave him some money to bail him out)
bear with – to be patient and wait while someone does something (Please bear with me this week I need more time to do my homework)
blow up – to suddenly become very angry (When I asked him where he had been all night he suddenley blew up and got very angry)
break down – when a system, relationship, or discussion fails because there is too much disagreement or because one group has too much power (Negotiations broke down and war started between the two countries)


Idioms and expressions in English are very important. People use a lot of idioms and expressions during their daily speaking.

1. Idiom: “Break the ice”
Meaning: To do or say something to relieve tension or get conversation going in a strained situation or when strangers meet.
Example Sentence: I started talking about the weather to break the ice.

2. Idiom: “A Piece of cake”
Meaning: Something very easy to do.
Example Sentence: I thought the test was going to be hard, but it was a piece of cake.

3. Idiom: “Hit the nail on the head”
Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
Example Sentence: He hit the nail on the head when he said this company needs more innovative products.

4. Idiom: “Bite off more than one can chew”
Meaning: To take on a task that is way too big or beyond one’s ability.
Example Sentence: I bit off more than I could chew by volunteering for three committees at once.

5. Idiom: “Let the cat out of the bag”
Meaning: To reveal a secret, usually unintentionally.
Example Sentence: He let the cat out of the bag about their surprise party.


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