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The Urban Tree: Harnessing the Power of Liquid Trees: Using Algae in Urban Areas to Combat CO2 Emissions

Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE) Introduction: The world’s urban landscapes are constantly evolving as architects and engineers search for innovative ways to create sustainable environments. One increasingly popular solution is the incorporation of  “liquid trees,”  or algae, in our cityscapes to help […]

What were Brazil’s commitments’ at the Paris Agreement?

Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE) Introduction: When Brazil ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, they made several commitments to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. Some of the key commitments include: 1. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: Brazil pledged […]

Some UN good news

Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE) Improve Your English Magazine October 2023 Issue “Discover ‘IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH MAGAZINE’, a comprehensive magazine designed to help English learners of all levels excel in their language journey. Packed with invaluable tips, engaging content, and interactive exercises, […]