Super speakers are students that have been studying with me for 2.5 to 3 years and whose English language has progressed to such a high level that they are capable of having a conversation with anyone who speaks English, at anytime, on any subject and anywhere.  This of course has taken them a long time and they have arrived at this point in time through dedication and hard work. To become and have this level of fluency takes work. These students have put in the work and it has ‘paid off’.  So congratulations. Over many years of teaching the one thing I know for sure is that, there are students that do and there are students that don’t. The do’s make it because they committed and worked and the don’ts are those that give up or lose motivation soon after starting. They start and stop and in the meantime forget what they learned 6 months ago or more.  My advice has always been “DON’T GIVE UP” Keep going even when the going gets tough.  You know what they say,  “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”

What are the aims of the “SUPER SPEAKER” lessons?

Super speaker lessons are designed to take the student to the next level of fluency. Meaning the next level after advanced.  A level of fluency that allows you to have a conversation with any native speaker from any English speaking country and with any accent.  Whether they be from The United States,  The UK,  Australia, South Africa or indeed any English speaking country.  Did you know that English is spoken as the official language in over 67 countries. And  moreover, only  1% of the Brazilian population speak English fluently.  So if you are a SUPER SPEAKER (1%) you truly are “ONE OF THE ELITE”  you are special.

What will we be studying in “SUPER SPEAKER” classes?

Here are a few areas that we will cover: