Book Study: Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. (Intermediate English Student)

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Book Study: Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. (Intermediate English Student) DOWNLOAD THE BOOK (109 pages)


Introduction to Charles Dickens book “A Christmas Carol”

In “A Christmas Carol,” Charles Dickens transports readers to the heart of Victorian London, where they encounter the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge. This timeless classic, published in 1843, captures the essence of the holiday spirit as it explores themes of redemption, compassion, and the transformative power of kindness. Through visits from four otherworldly spirits, Scrooge embarks on an unforgettable journey that serves as a poignant reminder to cherish our connections with one another and embrace the true spirit of Christmas.

Discuss any new vocabulary: ?

Synonyms (MISERLY): Stingy, frugal, tightfisted, penny-pinching

Synonyms (POIGNANT):  Touching, Evocative, Stirring, Heartbreaking, Emotional

Grammar Question:

1. In the following quote, identify whether the given statement is an example of direct or indirect speech: “Marley was dead: to begin with.”
a) Direct speech
b) Indirect speech

Section Two:

In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” we begin with the introduction of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly and unkind old man. Scrooge despises Christmas and all its merriment, rudely dismissing his nephew’s invitation to join in the festivities. As the story unfolds, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley, who warns him that he will be haunted by three spirits.

Discuss any new vocabulary: ?

Synonyms (MERRIMENT):  Festivity, Joyfulness, Gaiety, Jollity, Revelry

Synonyms (DESPISE):  loathe, detest, abhor, hate, disdain

Grammar Question:

2. Which of these sentences is written in indirect speech?
a) Scrooge said, “Bah! Humbug!”
b) Scrooge exclaimed that it was all humbug.

Video Listening Section:


          1. What does the expression, “As dead as a door nail” mean?
          2. Ebenezer Scrooge’s last word in the movie clip was “Delinquents!” What is a Delinquent?

Section Three:

The first of these spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Past, takes Scrooge on a journey through his own childhood and early life. Through these memories, we witness Scrooge’s transformation from a kind and hopeful young man to a bitter, lonely individual focused solely on accumulating wealth. The loss of his sweetheart Belle serves as a key turning point for Scrooge’s descent into miserliness.

Discuss any new vocabulary:?

Synonyms (SOLELY):  Exclusively, entirely, merely, only, purely

Synonyms (WEALTH):  Affluence, Prosperity, Riches, Fortune, Abundance

Grammar Question:

3. Convert the given direct speech to indirect speech: The Ghost of Christmas Past said, “I have come for your welfare.”
a) The Ghost of Christmas Past said he had come for his welfare.
b) The Ghost of Christmas Past mentioned, ‘I have come for your welfare.’

Section Four:

Next, the Ghost of Christmas Present guides Scrooge through a series of scenes showcasing the joys and struggles faced by those around him during the holiday season. The Cratchit family, despite their poverty and Tiny Tim’s illness, find happiness and gratitude in each other’s company. This prompts a change within Scrooge as he begins to question his values and treatment of others.

Discuss any new vocabulary:?

Synonyms (SHOWCASING):  Exhibiting, Displaying, Presenting, Featuring, Highlighting

Synonyms (ILLNESS):  Disease, Ailment, Sickness, Disorder, Malady

Grammar Question:

4. Convert the given indirect speech to direct speech: Tiny Tim expressed that God would bless them all.
a) Tiny Tim shouted, “God bless us all!”
b) Tiny Tim said gently, “God bless us, everyone!”

Section Five:

Finally, the ominous presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come reveals a bleak future laden with despair and loneliness caused by Scrooge’s actions. By showing Scrooge how much suffering is connected to his behavior and belief system, the spirit catalyzes genuine remorse within him. The story concludes as Scrooge undergoes a complete transformation, adopting a mindset infused with kindness and generosity towards others in order to secure both his own redemption and that of others in need.

Discuss any new vocabulary:?

Synonyms (BLEAK):  Dismal, gloomy, desolate, dreary, somber

Synonyms (REMORSE):  Regret, guilt, contrition, penitence, ruefulness

Grammar Question:

5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reporting verb: Jacob Marley told Scrooge, “I am here to warn you.” (Turn it into an indirect speech)
a) Jacob Marley _______ Scrooge that he was there to warn him.
b) Jacob Marley _______ with Scrooge about his warning.


