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When to Capitalize Job Titles and Positions

When should a job title be capitalized in a sentence? It’s a simple question with a less-than-simple answer. Sometimes job titles like “president,” “prime minister,” or even royal titles like “queen” use lowercase letters, but sometimes they’re capitalized, as in “President Lincoln” or “Prime Minister Sanchéz.” So how do you know when to capitalize job […]

How to Write a Concept Paper in 7 Steps

Before you can write a research paper, or begin your research, you may have to write a concept paper. A concept paper is a short academic paper that explains the research you plan to conduct. It covers your research goals, how you’ll carry out the research, how you’ll collect data, and the questions you aim […]

The 9 Best Tips for Using AI Prompts for Writing

Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE) CLICK HERE TO GO TO AMAZON.COM.BR How do you get better writing using AI? To get better results with AI writing generators like ChatGPT or Grammarly, you have to know how to talk to them. That means […]

25 Résumé or CV Writing Tips, With Examples

Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE) In the age of applicant tracking systems (ATS), a competitive job market, and limited positions in certain fields, writing a résumé can feel like a high-stakes undertaking. Maybe you’re starting to apply for new jobs, […]

How to Write OR Edit Your CV in 7 Steps

Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE) Before you start your next job hunt, take time to edit your résumé. Editing your résumé ensures that the information you share with prospective employers is accurate and that you’re presenting yourself in the best possible light.  […]

CV vs. Résumé: What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between a CV and a resume? Please share my lesson using your social media platforms. Use the links above. Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE)   LESSON INSTRUCTIONS: Read through the paragraphs and the new vocabulary, then watch the video and answer the questions beneath the video. Then return to the beginning of […]

How to Write a Great Executive Summary For Your University Thesis (First Conditionals)

Student FREE Bookstore   (CLICK HERE)   How to Write a Great Executive Summary   INTRODUCTION: In business, a lot of information is conveyed through lengthy, comprehensive documents like white papers, business plans, case studies, and research reports. A lot of money and other resource investments are on the line in most business decisions, so leaders […]