ENGLISH:    Below are services and websites I can recommend. These are services that I have used in the past and that have been very, very useful to me. These services and websites have always been reliable and good.

PORTUGUESE:     Abaixo estão os serviços e sites que posso recomendar. Estes são serviços que usei no passado e que foram muito, muito úteis para mim. Esses serviços e sites sempre foram confiáveis e bons.

1).  Pingtree:  This website supplies images for your websites and other publications you may be working on.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

2).  Criptomoedas: Entenda e aprenda a utilizar na prática:     Você aprenderá desde os conceitos até comprar, guardar, negociar e vender criptomoedas de maneira fácil, segura e descomplicada adquirindo confiança para aproveitar as oportunidades deste mercado. Se você não sabe quase nada sobre criptomoedas e deseja aprender e se tornar um “expert”, este curso para você. Se você já sabe sobre criptomoedas mas tem insegurança na realização de operações, este curso para você. Se você não quer ficar para trás da evolução que está surgindo com as criptomoedas, esse curso é para você. Veja abaixo os tópicos que encontrará no curso.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

3).    Monte sua RIG de mineração e minere diversas criptomoedas:    Curso prático (hands on) que ensina desde a fazer escolhas de componentes para um equipamento de mineração de criptomoedas até a montar, configurar e minerar várias criptomoedas. Caso você tenha pouco ou nenhum conhecimento sobre criptomoedas visite a playlists do meu canal do youtube “Dinheiro Digital – Criptomoedas para Iniciantes” onde você encontrará  diversos mini cursos gratuitos. Abaixo a relação de tópicos apresentados no curso.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

4).  PORTUGUESE LESSONS:     Each lesson will be 55 minutes and you can book your 10 lessons on any days you wish. They can be taken once a week or every day depending on your needs and available time. Each lesson will be either by Skype or Zoom which ever is more convenient for you. We also email the course materials prior to each lesson and are in pdf form. You can book more lessons after you have finished your block of booked lessons. There are no time limits as everyone learns at different rates. The lessons will be with Renata. She is very accomodating and friendly.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

5).  PROOF READING:     Flawless Academic Editing and Proofreading Services. Ensure your books, thesis, dissertation, essay, paper, assignment, report, or other document is error-free, impactful, and well-formatted.  AMIT is highly recommended.

• Editing, proofreading, referencing, and formatting – all included!

• Your document is proofread to correct all English language errors

• Your edited work has an improved style, clarity, and sentence structure

• Your document is formatted according to all prescribed guidelines

• Referencing styles include APA, Harvard, MLA, Chicago, etc.

• Plagiarism check available

Your document will be carefully proofread, and we will correct all errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, typography, and referencing. In addition, your work will be edited to improve the style, sentence structure, clarity, and coherence. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

6).   I will provide kindle KDP book formatting services paperback and ebook:   Expert Book Design – You’ve got the next bestseller. I’ve got a complete book design solution: high-quality ebook design and formatting, custom covers, interior design, illustration, tools and more. Professional Kindle KDP Book Formatting Services For Word, Epub & Mobi, Fast & Affordable Kindle KDP Book Formatting Services For Both Indie & Pro Authors. I format all kinds of books in any niche. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

7).    I will provide high quality ebook design and formatting:  You will get Professional Kindle KDP Book Formatting Services For Word, Epub & Mobi. Fast & Affordable Kindle KDP Book Formatting Services For Both Indie & Pro Authors. I format all kinds of books in any niche. I format books for Pro Authors, Indie or self-published authors, and small publishers. The books I format are ready to be uploaded, without issue to Amazon KDP. There will be zero errors and if there are any, we will perfect it for you. I format paperbacks, hardbacks & ebooks for all major & minor publishing companies. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

8).   I will provide flawless academic editing and proofreading:  Flawless Academic Editing and Proofreading

Increase your chances of getting published in top journals with my English and Hindi Editing Service.

Ensure your thesis, dissertation, essay, paper, assignment, report, or any other document is error-free, impactful, and well-formatted. Editing, proofreading, referencing, and formatting – all included in a single fee! Your document is proofread to correct all English language errors Your edited work has an improved style, clarity, and sentence structure

Your document is formatted according to all prescribed guidelines Referencing styles include APA, Harvard, MLA, Chicago, etc. Plagiarism check available Your document will be carefully proofread, and we will correct all errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, typography, and referencing. In addition, your work will be edited to improve the style, sentence structure, clarity, and coherence.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS
